Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2012

contoh RPP English For ES


                           Mata Pelajaran      : Bahasa Inggris
                           Kelas/Semester     : III/1
               Pokok Bahasan    : Things in the home
                           Alokasi Waktu       : 2 x 35 minutes
                           Pertemuan             : 1 (Satu)

  1. Standard Competence
3. Understanding the functional text short and very simple descriptive illustrated in the context of learners
  1. Basic Competence:
3.1 Reading aloud a short text is very simple functional with the correct pronunciation and intonation according with the rules in English.

  1. Indicator:
1. Kognitif
a.       Product
-       Mention kind of things in the home with use english language.
-       Understand contents of simple conversation.

b.      Process
      Classify and categorize things in the home according to the room.

2. Psychomotor
- Can read words about things in the home with a good   pronunciation.
- Doing conversation about things in the home with use simple sentences.
3.   Affective
Developing a character's personality: Honest, responsibility, and helping friends in need.
  1. Learning Objectives :
1.      Students can mention kind of things in the home in english language.
2.      Students can understanding contents of simple conversation.

1.    Classify and categorize things in the home according to the room.

1.    Students can read the vocabulary with the correct language
2.    Students can converse with a simple sentence about things in the home.

1. Involved in teaching and learning student-centered, at least assessed students make progress in demonstrating honest, responsibility, and helping friends in need.

Keterampilan Sosial (Social Skill)
1. Involved in teaching and learning student-centered, at least assessed students make progress in demonstrating the social skills to ask, contribute ideas, and be a good listener.

E.   Material
Things in the home
  1.  Model and learning methods :
Learning Model          : Cooperative Learning Model
Learning methods    : Role Playing , discuss, sing a song and ask & answer.
  1. Tools and Materials:
·         Buku Sumber:
-       Mukarto dkk. 2007. Let’s makes friends in English.Jakarta: Esis
-       Sriwilujeng, Diah dkk.2007. Pendekatan tematik 3A.Malang: Esis

·         Tools And Materials : Flashcards; themes things in the home.

H.   Proses Belajar Mengajar
Pendahuluan (± 10 Menit)
-       Greeting to the teacher
1.    Inviting students to sing a song "Can I Help you?" with a full joyous.
2.    Asked to some students about "Things in the home" what is mentioned in the song.
-       Mention the word including "Things in the home" which is in the song?
        -   What is the English language of objects mentioned in the song, and pronounce with with correct pronunciation?
3.    Motivating students by asking:
-       Mention what things in the home do you have, especially  in living room?
-       Mention what things in the home do you have, especially in dining room?
While other students are asked to notice which states the preferred food and beverages carefully (be a good listener)

4.    Guide students to translate into English based on the Things in the home that they like in their homes by looking in the dictionary or ask a friend who already know the meaning (help a friend in need)
5.    Communicating the purpose of learning products, processes, psychomotor, social skills, and character.
Core (±45 Minutes)
6.    By using flashcards theme of Things in the home, the teacher introduces vocabulary (Introducing stage) with a clear and correct speech, the teacher gives an example of the pronunciation of the vocabulary with proper grammar (modeling stage).
7.    Teachers practicing students to pronounce vocabulary with listen and repeat activity, students simulate what is exemplified by the teacher arrived. Teachers practicing students until students is clear and correct pronunciation. (stage practicing)
              Teacher   : It is a chair             
             Student     : It is a chair

                    Teacher   : It is a table.
                     Student    : It is a table.

8.    Students form groups, each group of 4-5 people. Chairman of the selected group of teachers took some flashcards and then working on worksheets (LK) make conversation with the vocabulary they have learned from flashcards.
9.    Students demonstrate the results of the conversations that have been made ​​in front of the class (applying stage) while other students listen and look closely.
Clossing (± 15 Minutes)
10. Teacher guide students to summarize the acquired vocabulary and their meanings individually (training responsibility, honesty, and helping friends who have difficulty making a summary)
11. Giving awards or reward to individuals and groups whose performance is good.
12. Giving individually task at home to make 4 pieces flashcards about Things in the home they know.

I.      Sumber Pembelajaran
1.    Silabus
2.    Buku Siswa: things in the home
3.    Tematik Grade 3

Nama: Ketua Kel:                                                               Kelas     :
Anggota Kelompok: 1.                                                      Tanggal :


Make a conversation, use vocabulary from flashcards!
(Buatlah sebuah percakapan, gunakan kosakata dari flashcards!)

A.   Tujuan Pembelajaran
1.    Students can read vocabulary with correct pronunciation.
2.    Students can doing conversation with simple sentence about things in the home.

B.   Materi : 
Things in the home

C.   LKS Activity
Make a conversation based on the vocabulary that exist in the flashcards. Involve all members of the group in conversation. then demonstrating  conversation that was made in front of the class.

D.   Observation
Observe the conversations that displayed by other groups, record the vocabulary that appears in these conversations and their meanings.

Lembar Isian LKS

1.    Let’s Make a conversation now!


Rating :
1.    Making a conversation       : Creative / Not Creative
2.    Writing                                   : clear and tidy / No
3.    Showing                                : Good / Bad
2.    Observational appearance of other groups
Meaning (arti)
Meaning (arti)

Conversation example :
Let’s practice with your friend!

Andy  : Which one the ticker book?
Loli     :The red one.

Simple Conversation
Loli                  : “I have some chair and table at my home.”
Andy               : “I am too, what colour do you have, loli?”
Loli                  : “I have a brown chair and I have a blue table
Andy               : “Waw.. what a nice colour!”   


Materi Pembelajaran

Things In The Home
Lampiran II
Example : “Things in the home according to the room.”


Lampiran III
Pictures :





This flashcard is near with daily activity students, of course related of things in the home. Students playing flashcard with basic comparison (perbandingan) and then students play it with use simple conversation. Students must doing conversation with spontaneity according to the flashcard. Let’s play and enjoy!


Text Song

Can I Help You?

3          2          1          5          I           3          1          2          2          I
Can    I        help    you?             Can         I       help     you?

3          4          5          6          6          I           5  .  .    0          I
Yes,  please.  I      want   some             socks.

3          2          1          5          I           3          1          2  .       I
What  size,  what   size               do       you       want?
5          4          3          2          I           1  .  .    0          II
Small,             small,                       please.

Exercises Lesson Grade 3

1.    My mother cooks in the…..
a.    bathroom                                     c. kitchen
b.    bedroom                                      d. drain
2.    I sleep in my…..
a.    bedroom                                   c. table                            
b.    bathroom                                     d. chair
3.    My teacher car’s is in the…..
a.    Window                                       c. balcony
b.    Garage                                         d. garden
4.    We sweep the floor with the….
a.    Lamp                                            c. pail
b.    Chair                                            d. broom
5.    We usually eat in the…..
a.    Dining room                                c. class room
b.    Living room                                 d. toilet

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